In the last couple of years I had been dreaming of seeing the world and made it one of my top priorities.Now I´m finally getting ready for my Big One. The adventure of a lifetime. On the 8th of March 2019 I´m gonna set off for a round the world bicycle trip.The plan is to […]
The first leg – part 1: Croatia to Montenegro

What a start it has been! I’ve mostly laughed, never cried (except from laughing too hard), sworn a lot, shouted at dogs chasing us, smiled and waved, improved my Croatian, ate lots of bread and cheese, got sun burnt one day and cycled through snow the next day. My highlight in northern Croatia was the […]
I’m alive!

Time flies when you’re having fun!I remember a friend saying these words to me a couple of years ago and oh man, was he right!Before starting the trip I had the plan of publishing one blog post every week… So for everybody waiting for news here, I sincerely apologize! I just didn’t take the time […]
Setting off for an open end world tour – Austria to Slovenia

I knew it wasn’t gonna be easy. But damn, my ass hurts! My last days at home were super busy. Another vaccine, another purchase here and there, another last minute fix. And very last minute packing. I immediately regretted not having test packed everything I had only piled up in my living room before, when […]
Skydiving in Spain
Sometimes the best things happening to you while traveling are totally unexpected and the result of a spontaneous decision. I was just walking down the beach (as I had been for a couple of hundred kilometers on my walk to Africa), when I saw people jumping out of a small plane. In that instant I […]
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In May of 2014 I set off to reach the African continent by foot, walking around 3000km from the east of Austria to the south of Spain.
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After reaching Africa by foot, in 2016 I decided to go to Asia by bicycle.